The Commemorative Albums Are Available Now!

The Commemorative Album

After months of hard work, The Saint Anne’s Church Organ Commemorative Album is now publicly available. Everything from the detailed artwork to the diverse selection of fine classical music has been carefully crafted into a tangible piece of Fall River’s long and rich history. This project was specifically intended to digitally recreate an instrument that was not replaceable, and then create something with the results. Whatever the future holds for the Saint Anne’s Church building, all of the distinct sounds from its beloved 2793 Casavant Pipe Organ will now virtually live forever! A perfectly tuned and complete digital recreation of the original instrument.

Each album comes with a resealable protective wrapper and certificate of authenticity. The resealable protective wrappers were instituted to ensure a drier and cleaner storage solution while the album is not in use.

Each album comes with a certificate and unique number.

The certificate of authenticity has a unique number that corresponds with the album it came with. The same number can be found on both the certificate and the inside panel of the album. These unique numbers are instantly assigned to a specific person at the time that person successfully completes the registration process. It’s quick and easy to register!

In many instances, these albums are purchased with the intent to be given as gifts to family members and/or close friends. Under these circumstances, there is an option for the person who received the album as a gift to manually register by following the instructions on the certificate that came with the album. At the time of completing the manual registration, the new registrar’s name is recorded under the original name assigned to that album’s unique number.

The album’s front cover artwork accompanied by the certificate.

The purpose of this registration system is to develop a database. This database will include only the name and unique number that corresponds to the respective album. The database information is to be updated and shared with the Bishop’s Office at The Diocese of Fall River. It’s with great hope that this information will help future researchers on their quest to discover some of the people who were inspired by the memorable and historic Saint Anne’s Church.

The album’s back cover artwork showing the tracklist.

The Tracklist

1. Ave Maria

2. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

3. Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring

4. Standchen

5. As Lately We Watched

6. Hark, A Herald Voice Is Calling

7. Siciliano

8. J’irai La Voir Un Jour

9. Marche Aux Flambeaux

10. Praeambulum Primi toni a 5

11. Offertoire sur deux Noels

12. String Quintet in E major, Op. 11 No. 5 (G 275)

Pipes of Saint Anne’s

The Saint Anne’s Church Organ… This beautiful (Casavant Opus 2793) pipe organ is certainly a well crafted instrument that has always produced memorable music throughout the years. It’s played the music for countless weddings, funerals, baptisms and regular mass for its church’s parishioners in the city of Fall River, Massachusetts for more than half a century. The distinct sounds created by this magnificent instrument has undoubtedly been the soundtrack to countless memories in many people’s lives (including my own). Once I learned of the plans to permanently close Saint Anne’s Church, I set a personal goal of preserving the sounds of this organ. I explained to the Diocese of Fall River what I wanted to do and was granted the necessary permission to get to work.

Each and every single one of the notes on the organ (4,518 Pipes) have been recorded using several high quality microphones and state of the art recording hardware. The meticulous placement of the microphones were crucial as it was not only important to record the unique sound of this organ but to also capture the natural acoustics of the spacious and beautiful building (acoustic resonance). All samples were recorded at 48kHz and a bit depth of 32.

All of the samples were recorded using state of the art hardware.

Each and every key on all stops were recorded individually in order to successfully record all unique sound samples.

Each key was played in sustain to fully record all of the unique sounds.

Every possible sound from this organ was recorded and saved. Once the recording process was completed, the tedious task of cutting and cleaning all of the samples began. This process took many, many days and nights to complete. This involved cutting all of the samples into individual files, renaming the samples to the correct key and categorizing each group under the proper stop. All of the samples were “cleaned” by removing unnecessary noise and hum.

Noise and hum removal was applied to all of the samples using the powerful tools of iZotope RX. This was done to enhance sound quality.

All of the samples were also tuned so they could all be played in perfect pitch with other instruments (more on this later).

Each and every recorded sample was tuned to A440 (Stuttgart Pitch). This tuning proces was completed by using Melodyne.

Throughout the process of recording, there were notes that were nonfunctional (either the pipe was broken, or there was insufficient air flow within the organ to produce any sound from that particular pipe). I will refer to the nonfunctional notes as “Dead Notes”. These “Dead Notes” created a gap of silence in an otherwise perfect musical scale. These lost notes were digitally recreated from the algorithm of the note before it or after it in the scale, depending on the circumstances. This process of recreating “Dead Notes” allowed me to complete the musical scale with no gaps and a seamless playback.

The recording and editing process took weeks to complete.

Any song from the past or future will now play completely with all notes because this correction is in place. This means that the sounds from the Saint Anne’s Church Organ can virtually play any song forever in a perfectly tuned and functional state!

The Virtual Saint Anne’s Church Organ is played just like the original via this Kontakt Instrument, Sound Library and Customized Midi Setup.

Other sound libraries can now be used in conjunction with the Saint Anne’s Church Organ. These other sound libraries can include orchestral, choir, percussion, etc. The final goal was to create a commemorative album that will contain classical works of music played by the samples I have of this beautiful organ. In other words, I will have the Saint Anne’s Church Organ play timeless classics with a full blown virtual orchestral and choral accompaniment!

Much more than what can be explained in this blog post has brought this project to where it is now. A copy of all of the raw samples were given to the Bishop’s Office at The Diocese of Fall River. The commemorative album is nearly completed and will be out for duplication and then distribution in the coming weeks!

I invite you to watch this video. It runs approximately 27 minutes and explains all of the steps taken to complete this project.

Saint Anne's Kontakt Instrument
The Virtual Saint Anne’s Church Organ Video.

Deborah Allard of The Fall River Herald News took the time to write a great story about this project. The story made the front page on Sunday, January 13, 2019.

Commemorating History: Saint Anne’s Church Organ Commemorative Albums and Coffee Mugs Now Shipping!

Saint Anne's Church Collector's Items
The Commemorative Album and Special Gift (coffee mug).

In the heart of Southern Massachusetts, a musical history gem has been preserved, and it’s now on its way to those who supported a recently successful online fundraising campaign. The Saint Anne’s Church Organ Commemorative Albums and Coffee Mugs are more than just mementos; they’re a celebration of a cherished piece of history. In this post, we’ll dive into the significance of these items and what lies ahead for sharing this musical treasure with the public.

Preserving Musical History

Saint Anne’s Church, with its rich history and musical heritage, is a beloved landmark in Southern Massachusetts. The majestic organ that graced the church has not only filled the space with glorious music but also holds a special place in the hearts of the community. When the decision was made to bid farewell to this iconic organ, it was clear that its memory should be celebrated and preserved.

The Commemorative Album

The Saint Anne’s Church Organ Commemorative Album is a tangible piece of history, meticulously crafted to encapsulate the essence of this remarkable musical instrument. It’s more than just a collection of photographs and descriptions; it’s a journey through time, offering insights into the organ’s construction, its importance to the church, and the emotions it stirred in those who experienced its music.

The album is a labor of love, created to ensure that the legacy of the organ lives on. As you flip through its pages, you’ll find the beauty of Saint Anne’s Church captured in vivid detail. It’s a testament to the devotion of the community, as well as the artists and artisans who contributed to its creation and maintenance over the years.

Coffee Mugs with a Musical Twist

Accompanying the Commemorative Album are Saint Anne’s Church Organ-themed coffee mugs. These mugs are more than just vessels for your favorite brew; they’re a daily reminder of the rich musical history that echoes through the halls of the church. Each sip from these mugs is a connection to the past, a nod to the beautiful melodies that once resonated through the grand organ’s pipes.

Shipping to Generous Supporters

The moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived! The packages containing these cherished items are currently in the process of being shipped to the generous individuals who made donations to the successful online fundraising campaign. Their support has been instrumental in ensuring that the Saint Anne’s Church Organ is not forgotten but remembered and celebrated for generations to come.

Future Plans

But the story doesn’t end here. There are exciting plans for making the Saint Anne’s Church Organ Commemorative Albums available to the wider public. The intention is to share this piece of history with anyone who appreciates the beauty of music and the significance of preserving our heritage. To stay updated and learn more about how you can acquire your own Commemorative Album, visit

A Heartfelt Thank You

In closing, a sincere thank you goes out to everyone who supported the Saint Anne’s Church Organ Commemorative Album project. Your generosity and passion for preserving history are the driving forces behind this initiative. We look forward to sharing this piece of Southern Massachusetts musical history with the world, one Commemorative Album at a time. Together, we ensure that the beauty and significance of the Saint Anne’s Church Organ live on for generations to come.

The Last Mass At Saint Anne’s Church

Saint Anne’s Church in the 1900s

Saint Anne’s Church is by far one of the most iconic landmarks of Southeastern Massachusetts. It’s towering steeples can be seen for miles around. I can still remember the masses being crowded with people, but that was years ago when I was a child. Since then, the attendance of parishioners has considerably declined. Unfortunately, the beautiful building itself has also been deteriorating. The Diocese of Fall River publically announced that the Church building would permanently close on November 25, 2018.

Saint Anne’s Church on November 25, 2018

Located in the lower part of the building was a shrine. The shrine was still active with parishioners until the final mass.

The last Mass at Saint Anne’s Church (Held In The Shrine)
The Music & Choir At The Last Mass

The upper (main) part of the building was closed back in 2015 when pieces of plaster fell from above causing safety concerns. The future of this magnificent piece of architecture and history is still unknown…

The Mysterious Mirror from the Lizzie Borden House: The History and Restoration

The Lizzie Borden murders have captured the imagination of people for over a century, and the house where they occurred stands as an eerie monument to a dark past. In the midst of this chilling history, a mysterious mirror found its way out of the Borden house and into the possession of the author’s family. This blog post will delve into the intriguing story of how this mirror came into the author’s family, the journey to restore it, and the captivating history behind it.

The story begins with the Alfred Picard, a Fall River police officer assigned to a detail on Second Street in Fall River, Massachusetts. His duty was to direct the traffic and guide pedestrians that use the street in front of the infamous Borden house. The Borden house was once the scene of a famous and gruesome double murder of Lizzie Borden’s parents, Andrew and Abby Borden. With the old Fall River bus terminal situated across the street from the house, the area was often bustling with activity.

The reconstruction of the Borden house included an addition that was being built which later became known as Leary Press. During Alfred Picard’s detail, an intriguing turn of events unfolded… The construction crew was tasked with cleaning out the house and making necessary additions to the structure. In the process, they uncovered various items in the basement, including a large dresser with a mirror on top. It was this mirror that would eventually become the center of our story.

Alfred Picard, ever the vigilant police officer, couldn’t help but notice the crew removing items from the basement. His curiosity was piqued when he saw the mirror. He inquired about the mirror’s fate, and the construction crew informed him that all these old items were slated for disposal. Seizing the opportunity, the officer asked if he could return after his shift to claim the mirror, to which the crew readily agreed. The mirror and dresser were set aside for him to pick up later.

After his shift ended, Picard returned to the house to retrieve the mirror, which was only a short distance of four blocks away. Upon closer inspection, he found the dresser to be damaged, with water and rot affecting the wood. However, the mirror itself remained in good condition. He decided to take only the mirror, leaving the deteriorating wooden frame behind. The mirror, blackened and tarnished due to its age, possessed an eerie and haunting quality that would continue to captivate those who encountered it.

The mirror found a place in the Picard’s basement, where it remained for decades. It was a story passed down through the family, eventually reaching his grandson, Derek Picard. Their deep interest in history and the mysteries of the past inspired them to take on the task of restoring the mirror, all while preserving its aged and unsettling charm.

Derek’s quest to uncover the origins of the mirror led him to reach out to the historical society and former owners of the Borden house. Unfortunately, no one could definitively identify where in the house the mirror had once been placed. This presented a challenge in tracing the mirror’s history.

Undeterred, the Derek embarked on a journey to find clues about the mirror’s past. The mirror’s distinct shape led him to a company based in New York that was crafting a similar style mirror during the same time period of the 1870s. Through this discovery, Derek managed to date the mirror, suggesting that it had been purchased by the Borden family years before the tragic murders occurred.

As the restoration efforts continued, Derek couldn’t help but wonder about the mirror’s unique history. What secrets might it hold? If only this mysterious mirror could speak, the stories it could tell about life inside the Borden house and the events leading up to the infamous murders.

The tale of the mirror from the Lizzie Borden house is one of mystery, curiosity, and historical intrigue. It serves as a tangible link to a gruesome chapter in history, and its eerie charm continues to captivate those who encounter it. While the mirror itself may remain silent, its story speaks volumes about the enduring fascination with the Lizzie Borden murders and the people who were drawn into it’s dark orbit.